There is a good reason for there to be actual laws in place regarding these materials. Since 1976 when the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act passed, there have been specific rules and standards for storing, handling, and disposing of household hazardous wastes. If that is not reason enough to be responsible when disposing of household hazardous waste, remember that it is also the law. The dangerous chemicals in HHW can contaminate drinking water and pollute our bays and oceans. Cadmium, mercury, and lead are just a few of the toxic chemicals that are often found in household hazardous waste these chemicals pose a health risk to both humans and animal life. HHW (Household Hazardous Waste) products often contain dangerous chemicals that need to be handled carefully to minimize their exposure to the natural environment. Hazardous waste disposal must be handled properly it is critical that items classified as hazardous waste do not make it into the regular waste systems.

Why is Household Hazardous Waste Disposal so Important? Several recycling facilities accept a significant amount of these items, while some material can only be dropped off at specialized hazardous waste facilities in your county. Fortunately, there are numerous facilities and locations that one can take these items where they can be safely gotten discarded. Some examples would be fluorescent bulbs and cleaning chemicals. Much of this waste is also very common items that you may use in your home or business. Lots of residences and companies have waste that needs to be thrown away that falls under the classification of “ hazardous waste“. They set this classification to hold these products to a higher standard for disposal, in hopes that they are handled safely and to avoid environmental damage as much as possible. The EPA classifies some household products as hazardous based on their risk of catching fire, exploding, or corrosive and toxic properties. They can also be unwanted cleaning products or from a home improvement project. Household hazardous waste (HHW) is a broad category and can include very common everyday items such as old light bulbs or leftover paint. Hazardous Waste Disposal Near Me What is Hazardous Waste.
Disposing of mineral spirits how to#
How to Reduce Household Hazardous Waste?.What Happens to Household Hazardous Waste?.Household Hazardous Waste Collection Programs.Where to Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste.What are the 4 Types of Household Hazardous Waste?.Why is Household Hazardous Waste Disposal so Important?.Let it dry completely before disposing in the trash. Add sawdust or cat litter to the residue. Then pour off the clear liquid which can be reused. Let these products sit in a closed container until the paint particles settle out. Such as paint thinner, turpentine and mineral spirits should never be poured down a drain or storm sewer. Discard the dried painted box and empty can in the trash. Be sure to stay away from hot surfaces, open flames, flower and vegetable gardens. Outdoors, spray the contents of the can into a cardboard box and let dry. Oil-based paints include enamel, varnish, shellac, lacquer, stain and sealer. Once paint is dried and hardened, wrap paint can in several layers of newspaper and dispose in the trash. Mix sawdust or cat litter into paint and allow to air dry in a well-ventilated area. In small amounts (one inch or less) may be hardened. When dry, the box and empty can may be disposed in the trash. Latex paint may also be dried by pouring a little at a time into a cardboard box filled with layers of newspaper, sawdust or cat litter. Or stir in enough plaster of paris, cat litter or oil absorbent to harden the paint. Occasionally break the "skin" that forms on the top as it dries. Remove the lid and place the can in an area away from children and animals. Be sure to leave the lid off the can so that solid waste employees can see that the paint is hardened. Liquid paint may be solidified and then disposed of with the household trash. Just make sure the paint is in its original container with its label intact. Set it out at a garage sale with a "Free" sign. If it can't be used, find someone who can - a neighbor, theater group orĬommunity organization. Apply a second coat, touch up areas or paint a closet or a small object. The easiest way to dispose of leftover paint is to use it all up.
Disposing of mineral spirits free#
Texas law bans paint and any other free liquids from all solid waste landfills in Texas. Leftover paint cannot be discarded with your trash because it is a liquid.